
"And in the end the love we make is equal to the love we take" The Beatles

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Ruth!

I have a housemate called Ruth. She is one of my bestest friends and i love her heaps. One of the things that i love about Ruth is her honesty- you can always count on Ruth to tell you the truth- often in a somewhat blunt manner! Example; when Matt and I got engaged we came home and went into her room to tell her. I recounted the story of the night saying 'we did this....and then we went there..... We think we might get married in January....'to which her reply was along the lines of "Great you've started the bloody "we" crap already!'. Ruth looked at my blog the other day and groaned about my Bride blog informing me that i better not blog all about weddings! So to prove that my blog is going to be about a whole variety of things and thoughts in my life, i've decided to write about Ruth.
It was Ruths birthday on Friday night and we went to the Croft institute. It's a bar down this really scarey looking alley off China town. As my friend Stuart aptly put it, 'even guys are scared about being raped walking down here!' Once you get there, its a pretty cool place-a little bit creepy (it used to be a mental institution apparantly and they've stuck with that theme including a wheelchair hanging off the wall and a hospital bed in the ladies toilets) but what i liked is that there is no pretention. There were all kinds of people there- not just good looking, designer kinds of people!
Ruth had heaps of friends there and again what i was struck by was the variety of people that are in her friendship group. Ruth loves meeting new people and what i love about her is that her friends don't have to be the same as her. Even if you tried, it would be impossible to put a label on her friends as they are all from so many different places, backgrounds, personalities, jobs, religions etc. It's a great thing and something that i aspire to be able to do more in my life!
So happy birthday Ruth! You are a fabulous friend and i love you stacks!


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