
"And in the end the love we make is equal to the love we take" The Beatles

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Party time

Last night we had our education faculty end of year ball. It was good fun and vast improvement on our last uni ball experience (no-one stole our bread roles, the table didn't have red wine spilt all over it when we arrived and there was no-one throwing up into a cardboard box on the table across from us!)
Mind you teachers really can be a bunch of dags when they all get together- this was proven by the conga line around the dance floor while the dirty dancing theme song was playing!
So after getting to bed in the early hours of the morning, i now have 3 more assigments to do by tomorrow! Better get to it....okay maybe i'll just have a nap first and then i'll make a start!
Ps the photo is of me and my favourite uni friends- Chris and Matt! They are lots of fun- i will miss all the laughs we had at uni! (mind you thats really probably the only thing i'll miss about uni)
PPS Just in case you were wondering i am not nude, the photo just chopped of the top of my dress!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Hey, sorry its been so long. I'm on teaching rounds (its my last week!) and i have a heap of assignments due at the same time and am feeling a bit overwhelmed. On the plus side, this time next week i will have finished uni forever!!!!
Life is always changing. Sometimes subtlely and gradually so that you only realise that something has changed later on. Sometimes its jarring and unexpected and it takes months (even years,) to re-adjust to.
My life is changing. Some of it has been gradual, some of it is a bit jarring, but it all seems to have come to a head at this point of time. Its not just one part of my life, it seems like its every part!
This is challenging for me. I don't really deal with change very well. I like stability. I like the known.
So for now, i take it one day at a time. Wondering about what next year will look like is too much for me. Now, its just one step at a time.