
"And in the end the love we make is equal to the love we take" The Beatles

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Compromise. Probably one of the most important ingredients in relationships with people (after love and forgiveness). I looked it up in the dictionary, it means '1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.'
There are some things that are easy to compromise on-
What movie shall we see?
What do you want to have for dinner?
Which piece of pav do you want-the one with the most strawberries?? (okay i admit thats a pretty tough one)

Then theres the things that are a lot harder to compromise on. The things that are really big. Perhaps the things that you feel are important to you but for whatever reason your family/partner/friend/pastor/boss thinks differently about.

Then it gets even trickier when you bring God into it. I know a pastor that had to step down from his church because what God was telling him was the opposite of what God was telling the leadership board. Who's hearing correctly???

Yet where is the line between compromise and actually losing yourself or what you believe in? See compromise has two meanings
-the first one as I stated is basically two people coming together and MUTUALLY making an agreement
-the second one is a negative term; 'A concession to something detrimental or pejorative (eg a compromise of principals)'

I don't think its always clear which kind of compromise someone is making. Often in a compromise one person seems to be compromising more!
Sometimes a compromise(type 1) is to compromise (type 2)!?

Its tricky hey?!


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