
"And in the end the love we make is equal to the love we take" The Beatles

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

'Another freakin fine'

Today i got home to find that i had a letter telling me that i had recieved a traffic fine and had to pay $200 to the Victoria Police. AARGH!!! Firstly why is it that you always recieve a fine at the worst possible time? (ie a week before you go away on a holiday to Europe....or perhaps you get one a few weeks before Christmas and then 2 days later you get ANOTHER ONE!!!). Secondly, why do i keep getting fines? Seriously i have contributed more than my fair share to the Victorian Budget. IN fact i believe that I am funding the Mitcham Frankston Freeway. In fact, it should be called THE BEASTWOOD FREEWAY, and they should have a plaque there with my name on it, and perhaps i could cut the ribbon on the day they open it (i've always wanted to cut the ribbon at the opening of something!). When that freeway's finished and you all start using it, you should thank me!
I'm not a maniac driver (Ruth says i'm a grandma driver), so why do i get so many fines? Matt told me that i should just be more careful (here's a hint, when someone tells you they just recieved a $200 dollar fine, the best answer is not pointing out that they made a mistake, it really doesn't help!)
I think i'm very unlucky! One time Ruth and i were pulled over in the city and a policeman fined me $150 for not having a white enought number plate!!! PUH_LEASE!!! Apparantly thats a law these days!
Oh and while i'm fired up i'd just like to say that anonymous comments give me the pip! Especially when they criticise Big Brother, people's names and my good friend Brad. SO if you're going to post something anonymously, post something nice!


At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support Beth...friggen anonymous!
It sounds like you're very unlucky with the speeding fines. I've been in the Beth-mobile before and you are a cautious driver...except when going over the rail crossing at Middleborough Rd!! Maybe you're like Millsy who claims he never speeds, yet keeps getting tickets.. It's a conspiracy! Although I do remember hearing something about you driving recklessly around Croydon...even had a visit from the police!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Betho said...

This wasn't speeding, it was a red light camera- although i'm sure it was amber!!! Oh and don't believe everything you hear, I heard you got yelled at by a policewoman for driving recklessly through a crowd of carol singers! I believe 'use your eyes'was the phrase?!

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... mistake.
Yes it's true...I did get yelled at by a policewoman. But in my defense, I swear she was pointing her light sabre down and to her left, meaning go into that lane. Dusty agreed with me. And the carol singers hadn't even stepped onto the road. Anyway..I thinking I'm wasting my time trying to argue this. It will forever be remembered as you put it. You might as well not bother trying to argue 'the light was amber'. Tell that to the police!

At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beth, this is really for Matt.
re:"Matt told me that I should just be more careful."
Matt, When ya woman tells you about a problem, she doesn't want you to fix it, she just wants to tell you about it. So stop trying to fix Beth's problems.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger fee said...

poor beth. i don't think you drive like a crazy mama at all. you defintely don't deserve any fines at all. i love you blogs. i love you.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Another Footy Fans Blog said...

This is for Matt.

Matt, when a woman tells you something like that, while it's true she doesn't actually WANT you to be practical, she SHOULD realise you are a guy, you ARE practical, and OF COURSE that's the response you will give. If she wanted a different response she should have told one of her girlfriends...

Oh, and Beth, you should be more careful...

PS. I'm glad you are away for a while. It might avoid me getting punched for this post...


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